Courses at MVA Master

Here is a list of the different courses I followed during the master. You can find more about my academic background in my resume

  1. Convex Optimization
    (A. D'Aspremont, Inria PARIS, Sierra team).

  2. 3D Computer Vision
    (P. Monasse and M. Aubry, Imagine ENPC-LIGM).

  3. Object Recognition and Computer Vision
    (J. Ponce, C. Schmid, I. Laptev, G. Varöl, J. Sivic Inria PARIS, Willow team).

  4. Computational Statistics
    (S. Allassonière, ).

  5. Digital Imaging
    (Y. Gousseau from Telecom ParisTech and J. Delon).

  6. Speech and Natural Language Processing
    (E. Dupoux from FAIR/Inria PARIS, CoML team and B. Sagot from Inria PARIS, Almanach team).

  7. Deep Learning in Practice
    (G. Charpiat).

  8. Deep Reinforcement Learning
    (F. Strub, C. Tallec from Deepmind).

  9. Audio Signal Processing
    (E. Bacry ).

  10. Computational Optimal Transport
    (G.Peyré, ).